An acquisition process that works for you.

Our acquisition process allows for a quick & easy transaction. But that doesn’t mean you’re working on our timeline.

We take the time to understand and address your concerns around every aspect of the deal, then tailor our approach and timelines to your specific needs and goals.



Here’s how the acquisition process works at a high level:


1-2 weeks
  • Initial Company Materials: You provide basic business information.
  • Q&A: We ask questions and align on objectives and expectations for the transaction and the company.
  • Indication of Interest (IOI): We submit a non-binding offer.


1-2 weeks
  • Purchase Agreement: We sign the legal documents.
  • Funds Transfer: We wire funds and close the deal.
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1-2 weeks
  • Initial Conversation: We learn about you and your business.
  • Confidentiality Agreement: We sign a mutual NDA so we can share information with peace of mind.


6-12 weeks
  • Letter of Intent (LOI): We agree on key transaction terms and sign a binding LOI.
  • Additional Company Materials: You provide thorough business info & documentation.
  • Due Diligence: We review your business in detail (accounting, legal, etc.).


  • Management Transition: We join the day-to-day operations and ensure a smooth transition.
  • Growth Plan: We implement growth initiatives in line with our shared vision for the company.
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1-2 weeks
  • Initial Conversation: We learn about you and your business.
  • Confidentiality Agreement: We sign a mutual NDA so we can share information with peace of mind.
1-2 weeks
  • Initial Company Materials: You provide basic business information.
  • Q&A: We ask questions and align on objectives and expectations for the transaction and the company.
  • Indication of Interest (IOI): We submit a non-binding offer.
6-12 weeks
  • Additional Company Materials: You provide thorough business information for our review.
  • Due Diligence: We review your business in detail.
  • Letter of Intent (LOI): We agree on key terms and sign a binding LOI.
1-2 weeks
  • Purchase Agreement: We sign the legal documents.
  • Funds Transfer: We wire the funds and close the deal.
  • Management Transition: We join the day-to-day operations and ensure a smooth transition.
  • Growth Plan: We implement growth initiatives in line with our shared vision for the company.

What works for you?

Transparency & flexibility are fundamental to how we do business.


We know that selling your business is a big decision and you may have different preferences and expectations. That’s why we build flexibility into every step of the process so we can get things right. That means doing right by you, your team, and your customers.

Flexibility at every step in the transaction process:


Whether you want to close quickly or take your time, we will work with you at your pace. We understand that you may have other commitments or obligations, and we can adjust our timeline to suit your schedule.

Deal Terms
From pricing to ownership and contingencies, transaction agreements require a lot of consideration and negotiation. We’ll work closely with you to structure the deal in a way that meets your financial and personal goals.

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We will maintain regular and transparent communication throughout the process, and we’ll adapt our approach according to your needs.

Post-Closing Involvement
Whether you want to stay on as an advisor, a manager, or retire completely after the transaction, we’ll work with you to determine what makes the most sense for you and for the company.

Post Closing Involvment
Strategic Planning

Strategic Planning
We are committed to working with you to determine a shared vision for your company’s future.

Our commitments to you don’t end there. See our full set of commitments here.

If you have any questions or want to learn more, please contact us today

We’d love to hear from you.

Contact Us
